We all know that the ideal relationship doesn’t exist — even relationships that seem happy are made up of sacrifices and conversations. But despite this fact, every couple wants to have a perfect relationship without quarrels and misunderstandings. Every woman dreams of finding her charming prince and her own dream house, where she will spend a wonderful life full of happy moments and smiles.You’ll be surprised, but men also have dreams. They dream to have a perfect, caring wife and a happy, interesting life. They want you to fulfill their dreams and make them happy. We would like to show you eights secret things that every man wants from his woman. Scroll down to find out these secrets and become the right woman for him.1. HE LIKES WHEN YOU SURPRISE HIMYour husband will appreciate your efforts to surprise him. It can be anything! Prepare him a romantic dinner, take him on an exciting trip or draw his portrait. There are so many options!2. HE LIKES WHEN YOU ARE HONEST WITH HIMMen hate lies. It’s important to be completely honest with him. Do everything possible to build a strong, trusting relationship and he will love it! 3. HE LIKES HAVING DEEP CONVERSATIONS WITH YOUMost men want to find someone to have deep conversations about serious topics with. You should respect his thoughts, discuss interesting books and play intellectual games with him.4. HE LIKES WHEN YOU CARE ABOUT HIMWhen your man comes home from work, he wants you take care of him. He likes when you meet him at home with a smile, give him a kiss and have dinner with him.5. HE LIKES WHEN YOU TAKE CARE OF YOURSELFAll men love confident women. When you love yourself, you have confidence in yourself.6. HE WANTS TO KNOW THAT YOU’RE HAPPYYour husband really wants to make you happy. So if you tell him how happy you are, he will be pleased.7. HE WANTS YOU TRUST HIMIt can be difficult for women to understand that men need space from them. If your husband wants to hang out with his friends, you should let him do it. Trust him and he will trust you.8. HE LIKES BEING VALUEDNo one likes to be criticized. You should find ways to cheer him up and help him feel valued.We at In Style want everyone to know and experience true love. It is out there for everyone and until it knocks on your door we are here to remind you that you deserve the best love! Marry Brown Previous Article9 Things Men Would Only Do When They’re In Love Next Article4 FEMALE THINGS THAT MEN JUST ADORE July 5, 2021